Brendan Harvey

Brendan Harvey

Brendan Harvey is a lawyer with a practice focused on wrongful dismissal litigation and related areas of employment law, including Employment Standards Act and Human Rights Code complaints.

Is Your Termination Clause Enforceable? Part 2

fired person carrying a box with personal stuff

In our first installment I described the possible effect of well drafted termination clauses in employment contracts.  Where a termination clause is not properly drafted and fails to meet the minimum standard set in the Employment Standards Act, it will be unenforceable.  The…

Is Your Termination Clause Enforceable? Part 1

fired person carrying a box with personal stuff

Many employment contracts these days contain clauses that are commonly referred to as “termination clauses” (sometimes also called “fixed notice periods”, “defined notice periods”, “severance clauses”, etc).  A termination clause will usually define the exact amount of notice or severance…